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Bagtalelsens skole 1945

(The Schools for Scandal)


6. Februar - 13. Maj

Komedie i 5 akter af Sheridan.

Instruktion: Edvin Tiemroth

Else Skouboe, Angelo Bruun og Henrik Bentzon



Aksel Bro Moneytrap
Angelo Bruun Charles Surface
Arthur Jensen Snake
Bendt Rothe Careless
Ego Brønnum-Jacobsen Sir Harry Bumper
Else Skouboe Lady Teazle
Freddy Koch Joseph Surface
Hans Egede Budtz Sir Oliver Surface
Henrik Bentzon Sir Peter Teazle
Kai Wilton Sir Benjamin Backbite
Kirsten Borch Kammerpige
Kjeld Jacobsen  William
Maria Garland Lady Sneerwell
Ove Sprogøe Trip
Paul Holck-Hofmann Crabtree
Petrine Sonne Mrs. Candour
Sigurd Langberg Rowley
Vera Gebuhr Maria