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Bagtalelsens skole 1978

(The School for Scandals)

Det Ny Teater

19. September

Komedie i 5 Akter af Richard Brinsley Sheridan.

Instruktion: Jonas Cornell



Bendt Rothe Sir Peter Teazle
Bjørn Watt Boolsen Sir Oliver Surface
Bjarne Adrian Careless
Clara Østø Mrs. Candour
Eik Koch Rowley
Flemming Danty Sir Benjamin Blackbite
Ghita Nørby Lady Teazle
Hans-Henrik Krause Crabtree
Hardy Rafn Snake
Jesper Christensen Joseph Surface
Jørgen Beck Moses
Lars Knutzon Charles
Susanne Lundberg Maria
Lise Ringheim Lady Sneerwell