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Charleys tante 1948

(Charley's aunt)

Nygade Teatret

8. August

Farce i 3 akter af Brandon Thomas

Instruktion: Christian Arhoff og Helge Dahl

Christian Arhoff



Alex Suhr Stephen Spittigue
Christian Arhoff Lord Faucourt Babberley
Elga Bassøe Donna Lucia d'Alvadorez
Grete Kyhn Ella Delahey
Hans Starek Brasset, tjener
Harry Komdrup Sir Francis Cherney
Jan Zangenberg Jack, Cherneys søn
Jytte Møller Kitty Verdun, Spittigues myndling
Lis Allentoft Anny, Spittigues niece
Ulf Stenbjørn Charley Wykeham