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Gift – eller ikke ? 1940

Frederiksberg Teater

13. Maj

Lystspil i 3 Akter af J.B. Priestley

Instruktion: Jon Iversen



Agis Winding Fru Northrop
Albert Luther Henry Ormondroy, pressefotograf
Ejner Federspiel Clement Mercer, pastor
Gunnar Lauring Albert Parker, byrådsformand
Helge Kjærulff-Schmidt Herbert Soppith
Ingeborg Pehrson Clara Soppith
Jessie Rinsom Annie Parker
Karl Gurstov Gerald Forbesk, organist
Knud Heglund Joseph Helliwell, oldermand
Lise Thomsen Ruby Birthle, tjenestepige
Maj Dam Nancy Holmes, Marias niece
Marie Niedermann Maria Helliwell
Torkild Lauritzen Fred Dyson, journalist
Tove Bang Lottie Grady
Victor Gabs Thomson, borgmester