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Guys and Dolls 1984

Det Kongelige Teater

Musical af Jo Swerling og Abe Burrows efter Damon Runyon

Instruktion: Gene Foote

Musik: Frank Loesser



Asger Reher Benny Southstreet
Bent Vestergaard Harry the Horse
Donald Andersen Rusty Charlie
Elin Reimer General Mathilda B. Cartwright
Helge Scheuer Lt. Brannigan
Henning Moritzen Nathan Detroit
Iben Rohde Martha
Jan Elle Calvin / Angie the Ox / Konferencier
Karen-Lise Mynster Sarah Brown
Linda Nielsen Agatha
Malene Schwartz Miss Adelaide
Ole Thestrup Nicely-Nicely Johnson
Palle Huld Arvide Abernathy
Søren Pilmark Sky Masterson
Søren Steen Big Jule
Tommy Frederiksen Fuld mand / tjener
Zita de Fries Mitzi

endvidere medvirkede:

Guy Davies
Kenneth Kreutzmann
Kerstin Andersson
Malene Schjønning
Michala Wolsgaard
Nellie Crump
Nils Seibæk
Thomas Kirk